Halloween is a time of ghouls, ghosts, and SCREAMING SKULLS!!! With All Hallow’s Eve right around the corner Quarterstick shredders Dead Child decided the timing was right to release a new single from their recent album Attack. The appropriately titled “Screaming Skull” is available for free download by clicking the following link. Get your macabre on, living dead.
In addition to releasing a new track, Dead Child guitarist David Pajo has put together what we believe to be one of the finest Halloween Metal mixes ever for iMeem.com. Pajo explains, “Here are thirteen songs I'd play at any Halloween party to wake up the devil for a few drinks. It's a fairly narrow (or wide) range of metal, depending on your politics.” Not only are there some killer tunes to be found here, but DP also adds some valuable insight into his own selection philosophy with a running commentary intro for each track. This is definitely worth checking out, and you can do so right here or by activating the player below.