News updates from the Ex:
--G.W. Sok decides to stop.
--Arnold de Boer of Zea new Ex band member.
From the Ex newsletter:
After 29 years G.W. Sok has decided to call it a day and not sing or tour with us anymore. After a long period of doubt and lengthy discussions he came to the conclusion that he had no longer enough enthusiasm for the complete Ex-undertaking. He wants to spend more time on writing and graphic design. He will continue to participate in Ex activities, one way or another.
This year (2009) is the 30th anniversary of the Ex. And after having played 1371 concerts all over the planet, the Ex, sometimes described as 'experimental trance-dance avant-afro-punk improv music', appears again with a completely new program for the coming tour in march.
And a new band member! For the coming tour in march we have invited Zea frontman Arnold de Boer to join us. One of our favourite musicians for many years now. We have worked together on The Ex 25-year Anniversary party 'The Convoy Tour'. Andy and Terrie also played with him last year may in Ethiopia and it worked a treat!
Arnold will play samples, beats, guitar, vocals and anything he can get his hands on. Terrie and Andy will continue to explore their baritone guitars which appeared in the last set and Katherina will find some more inventive rhythms and hopefully sing some more beautiful tunes. Without doubt it is going to be an exciting new chapter in the Ex's history!