IMPORTANT NOTE: Please temporarily turn off all antivirus, pop-up blockers and security software such as Norton/Symantec or McAfee before downloading. Running this software can result in empty, 0-byte downloads or corrupt/invalid files.
Promotion ID: Valid IDs for the Calexico download are GARDENCD and GARDENLP (case insensitive).
On windows an "Open/Save" dialog should pop up after clicking
"download now". Mac OSX should start downloading to the desktop automatically
by default.
.zip archive files: If you are on a Windows XP machine you should be able to
right-click on the file and "Extract all". If you are on an older version of
Windows and don't have a zip program like Winzip installed, you can try the free
utility "7Zip" here
On a Mac the "Stuffit" or "MacZIP" utilities should be available and will know
what to do with a zip archive. If successful, you will end up with a folder
containing mp3s and an artwork file.